Saturday, October 31, 2020

 Here is my Soviet Naval brigade and the dogs from my canine anti tank squad

I basecoated the naval brigade with a zenithal primer of vallejo black, grey and white.  Then I mixed 3 parts Vallejo Dark Prussian Blue 70.899 to one part Vallejo black 72.051.  I used this on the tunics, coats and caps.  I mixed one part Vallejo Dark Prussian Blue to one part Vallejo black and panted the pants with this. I then drybrushed the tunics and coats with Vallejo Prussian Blue 70.965.  Then I washed the  models with Games Workshop Drakenhof Nightshade. I then drybrushed them with a lighter coat of a mix of Vallejo Ivory 70.918 and Vallejo Ultramarine 70.839.

The rest of the models like the guns, the skin, straps, the one guy with the puffy tunic and the basing I painted the same as my other models.  The dogs were a random green and some browns. I forget which. You can pretty much use what ever you want as there was probably no standard here.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Soviet WW2 Era Assault Engineers squad


These troops are Soviet World War Two era Soviet assault engineers. They were primarily equipped with submachine guns and in addition they often had captured panzerfausts, Nazi potato masher grenades, mines and light machine guns. They were all also equipped with body armor which consisted of steel plate worn around the front of the body as a bib.

The paint scheme consists of Vallejo 709.24 Russian uniform World War 2 for the uniform. Vallejo 70.826  German camo medium brown for the camouflage splotches. Vallejo 74.609 surface primer  for the body armor and mine. everything else on the models is painted using the same paint scheme I used on my previous Soviet Infantry. You can check my previous blog posts for colors for the pouches, boots, ushanka hats Etc.

I also based these models using Vallejo white pumice to 26.212,  painted the entire model with pledge Floor Care multi-surface finish and then sprayed the model with Testors spray lacquer 1260 dullcote as I have done on all previous models. 

 Here's the finished product: