Friday, December 9, 2016

Finally I'm getting to the point where I have some more finished product. Here are some dungeon tiles I made for our weekly Dungeons and Dragons game. Primed with Iwata Eclipse airbrush and Vallejo black primer. Basecoated with GW dawnstone, washed with Vallejo black wash, drybrushed with Vallejo Grey Wolf.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Here is my new gaming table. I did not build or paint it. I bought it off a guy that was tired of it. It sure looks cool with my minis, though.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Here are my completed ALEPH miniatures for the game Infinity.
These are most of them although there are a few more. I batch painted them with Vallejo german camo beige and black drybrushed with Vallejo white. Deatils were done with Vallejo violet and pink. Vallejo violet ink wash was used as was diluted Vallejo black wash. I mixed pink and GW leadbelcher together for the guns. My faces were the biggest problem and are my biggest weak points. I used Vallejo elf flesh and an agrax earthshade wash to varying effect. Swords were done by painting Vallejo pink and drybrush a pink and white mixture as I went up the sword. The further up the sword I went I used less pink and more white and drybrushed that onto the sword the sword tips were mostly white.
the bases were GW danwnstone washed with diluted Vallejo black was and heavily drybrushed Vallejo Stonewall Gray. Matel bits painted leadbelcher and washed with straight nuln oil.  Enjoy.