Friday, August 28, 2015

Here are most of my tanks for my American Bolt Action army. For these I am going to do the just like I did the Sherman and half track you see here:

After Assembly I 

1. Primed them with AK-47 black and then 
2.base coated them with Vallejo Brown Violet
3. Washed them with Citadel Nuln oil
4. Dry brushed them with Brown Violet 
5. Painted details
6.Tracks were painted with Vallejo black and
7. Then dry brushed with lead belcher down the center.
8. Crew uniform was Vallejo German Camo Beige and the helmet was Vallejo U.S. dark green
9. Half track canvass seats were also Vallejo German Camo Beige washed with Citadel Seraphim sepia
10. For the rust I took a drop of Vallejo flesh was and a drop of citadel Orange and mixed it with a lot of water. Then I let it run down all the joins in the armor. 

Here are the Ones I am in progress on.  Here is what they looked like when I just had the basecoat applied:

Here is what the looked like after I applied the Nuln Oil:

Weapons were painted with Citadel Leadbelcher and then washed with Citadel Nuln Oil.

Updates to follow.

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